Congratulations! You have created success for yourself during the school year by following directions, employing discipline, and staying focused. Look at your summer vacation as a time to exercise some other aspects of your personality – your creativity, your initiative, and your entrepreneurial spirit.
Instead of spending time in unproductive activities, use the resources you have on hand to catapult yourself ahead of your peers ahead of the next school year.
Whether you are going to college, looking into the workforce or just going back to school next year, having a leg up is always a good thing. Here are some of the best suggestions for what to do this summer to get ahead.
1) Make some money
If you are tired of being on a budget, you can spend your summer working to improve your financial situation.
However, don't just take the first job that is offered. Take time to weigh the pros and cons and how this experience will benefit you in the future. Don't do anything that doesn't align with your values.
Organize your skill set to focus on employment you can obtain that focuses in a specialty and will pay more. Because if you are working in a discipline you enjoy, you will have more fun!
You can use the budget tracker to stay on top of your deposits, withdrawals, and savings. Also use to it to know just how many work hours are needed to meet your financial goals.
2) Learn a new skill
One of the best ways to stay productive is to make a daily habit of improving your skill sets, such as learning a new language or a new musical instrument.
Learning a new language, whether human or computer-based, will expand your ability to communicate. Being able to speak more than one languages is also a very valuable skill set that any career industry will respect. Alternatively, organizing your summer around a musical instrument will not only improve your discipline and make your hand-eye coordination much better, but it will make you become a more interesting person.
Regardless of what your new skill set is, you must practice at least 20 hours weekly.
Use the Habit Tracker in your planner to keep you in line by helping you maintain a consistent schedule for these long term goals. Keep checking off those boxes and soon enough, you will start to see results.
3) Get in the best shape of your life
There's no reason to stop at mediocre. Improving your capacity for physical exercise is one of the best goals that you can have for your summer.
Believe it or not, getting a bikini body is not the only benefit of physical fitness. It has been proven many times that people who are physically fit think clearly and have more willpower to focus on boring tasks, like school ;).
During exercises such as running, "40 seconds left!!", we like to count down because it helps us to see the finish line, thus motivate us to cross it.
Like how counting down time works for running - counting down days works for long-term goals such as getting in shape.
So this summer, put yourself on a physical program, take good advantage of the Goal-Date Countdown and the Habit Tracker and you will be on track to looking great for that beach trip in no time.

4) Invest in your future, start a business.
One great way to earn more money and have fun doing something you love is to start a business. If you are still pursuing your education, you are in the perfect age range to speculate on your business interests.
Do not be afraid – now is the time to make mistakes! Not only that, but you are building an asset. An asset that is yours.
Use your time wisely to do research about the fields of which you are interested in entering. Seek out mentors, start saving up money now and read lots of books on the subject.
But most importantly, TAKE ACTION. Most don't succeed because they are afraid of failure. Fear is nothing but a choice. Make a decision on what it is that you want and start going for it. The earlier you do, the better.
Use the Gratuity Box in the planner to keep your mind on the positivity. Starting and running a business is rewarding, but they are not easy! In tandem with the Budget Tracker, you basically have a mini balance sheet available to you at all times.
5) Volunteer
Volunteering is a great way to get new experiences while helping people who may not be able to help themselves. You can try new industries much more easily because everyone is always looking for free labor and brain power.
Look into senior care clinics, hospitals, charities, research labs and summer camps.
Map out your schedule for volunteer efforts. If you could choose, try to go for at least 3 days a week. By showing that you like helping out, you will attract attention from personnel of higher positions. You'll never know the kind of doors that will open for you.
If you are not into long-term commitments, think about participating in marathon events for charity. You can kill two birds with one stone this way. Not only are you training your body into great shape, but you will also be using it for a great cause.
If athleticism is not your thing, then look into charities such as working in soup kitchens. They are always looking for volunteers to help care for children and adults in need. Not only are you giving back to the community, but you will also be surrounded by good, caring people who would become your friends for life.
6) Take summer classes so you can graduate early
Why put away your school books just because summer hits? You may like to read! If so, use that energy to take summer classes and get ahead of your classmates for next year.
While everyone else is taking the typical, long route, why not get ahead and achieve your goals sooner?
Most colleges accept credits from community colleges. But before signing up for any courses, be sure to seek out your counselors first to avoid any grand mistakes. This is a smart way to get that degree faster while saving a big chunk of money!
Learning how to organize your own schedule is one of the best opportunities that the summer offers.
The Live Whale Planner is a next level personal development tool and professional organizer that will keep you just as organized as you were during the school year.
Take advantage of the convenient scheduling, reminder and administration tools to keep all of your activities in order.
You will accomplish more during the summer and enter your next work year with more momentum and passion than ever!
Go here to get your very own Live Whale Planner!
The Live Whale Planner is a next level personal development tool and professional organizer that will keep you just as organized as you were during the school year.
Take advantage of the convenient scheduling, reminder and administration tools to keep all of your activities in order.
You will accomplish more during the summer and enter your next work year with more momentum and passion than ever!
Go here to get your very own Live Whale Planner!
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